Coastal security scheme (CSS) was formulated in pursuance to the recommendations of the Groups of Ministers on Reforming the National Security System for setting up of a Marine Police Force in all Coastal States and Union Territories (UTs).
The Principalobjective of the Coastal Security Scheme is to address the critical gap in the policing of our Coast and close Coastal waters by providing the State Police Forces the capability to Police close Coastal waters and the Coast line. i.e. the Sea border of the country. The subject of Coastal Security assumes importance and the Coastal Security Scheme is one of the means for strengthening our ability to prevent and curb the terrorist and anti- national activities.
The establishment of Coastal Police Stations, which will undertake patrolling the seas near the land boundaries, will help to prevent and curb the illicit drugs/arms/ ammunition/exclusives smuggling.
To provide an additional line of defense in the coast line of the country.
To prevent the intrusion of militants and anti national elements into the country through sea.
To prevent smuggling of patrol, diesel, medicines, illicit liquor and other essential commodities and valuable items from the country to other countries through sea and vice versa.
To prevent illegal transportation of arms / ammunition, explosives, narcotic substances and also to prevent human trafficking from and to the country through sea.
To prevent collusion between some fishermen and smugglers or militants for committing unlawful acts.
To obtain community participation in Coastal Security.
To collect intelligence on all the above matters.
To co ordinate among related agencies like State Police, Indian Navy, Coast Guard, Fisheries Department, Customs etc to improve quality of coastal policing.
To help the District Administration in the coastal districts in disaster management.
To handle law & order situations which may arise on account of clashes between various communities / groups both on shore / off shore.
To effectively impose ban on monsoon trawling in some States and enforce the law of the State relating to fishing, if so desired by the concerned State.
To handle environment issues like oil-spills and pollution by toxic substances on Territorial waters through co ordination among various agencies.
To protect the maritime interest of the country by such acts as prescribed / directed by the concerned State / Union Territory.