
Official Web site of Coastal Police

Government of Kerala


Chief 's Message

Kerala Coastal Police is a growing special unit dedicated to Coastal Security of Kerala and India. The activities of Kerala Coastal Police cover a vast coast line of 583 km from Manjeswar Coastal Police Station of North to Poovar Coastal Police Station in the South. Kerala Police is conducting joint coastal exercises with other stakeholders, like Indian Navy and the Coast Guard and other organizations. They are also conducting seminars and meetings involving Fishermen Vigilante commities called as “Kadalora Jagratha Samithies.” There are 74 Kadalora Jagratha Samithies and 2 kayalora Jagratha Samithies at present and effort is going on to raise the number to 100. To reflect the work of Kerala Coastal Police and to cover the entire gamut of activities the need for an exclusive website was felt. The Website designed by the AIG Coastal Security is intended to serve the purpose of providing access to the public and to provide a platform for public interface. I congratulate all the members of Kerala Coastal Police in Particular and Kerala Police in general. I hope sincerely that this Website will enlighten the public about the role of Kerala Coastal Police in providing Coastal Security to the country and also build up a healthy relationship with the other stake holders like the Indian Navy and the Indian Coast Guard and also build “Trust Surplus” with the Fishermen community living in 222 fishing villages from Manjeswar in the North to Poovar in the South.

Shri. A Akbar IPS
IGP Coastal Security