
Official Web site of Coastal Police

Government of Kerala




Website for the Coastal Police is one of the major initiatives helps for free access with the public.


‘Waves of Sea’ – A quarterly newsletter is another initiative of Coastal Police.

Coastal Police Headquarters

A Proposal has been sent to Government for the construction of Coastal Police Headquarters and action is in progress.

Coastal Police Battalion

A proposal for Coastal Police Battalion has been sent to Government and action is in progress.

Coastal Police Academy

A proposal for Coastal Police Academy has been submitted to Government and action is in progress.

Kadalora Jagratha Samithy

At present there are 74 Kadalora Jagratha Samithies and 2 Kayalora Jagratha Samithies and action is in progress to raise the number to 100.

Scuba Diving Team

A Scuba Diving Team has been formed by providing special training by Indian Coast Guard.

All Terrain Vehicles

Action is being taken for purchasing “All Terrain Vehicles” namely “POLARIS RANGER CREW 900-6 seater” to 18 Coastal Police Stations.