Website for the Coastal Police is one of the major initiatives helps for free access with the public.
‘Waves of Sea’ – A quarterly newsletter is another initiative of Coastal Police.
A Proposal has been sent to Government for the construction of Coastal Police Headquarters and action is in progress.
A proposal for Coastal Police Battalion has been sent to Government and action is in progress.
A proposal for Coastal Police Academy has been submitted to Government and action is in progress.
At present there are 74 Kadalora Jagratha Samithies and 2 Kayalora Jagratha Samithies and action is in progress to raise the number to 100.
A Scuba Diving Team has been formed by providing special training by Indian Coast Guard.
Action is being taken for purchasing “All Terrain Vehicles” namely “POLARIS RANGER CREW 900-6 seater” to 18 Coastal Police Stations.